| 更新时间 2025-01-11 08:00:00 价格 4.88元 / kg 产地 首钢 联系电话 021-56390389 联系手机 13162088866 联系人 高宇 立即询价 |
北京首钢股份有限公司(简称“首钢股份”)是首钢集团所属的境内上市公司。首钢股份于 1999 年 10 月由
首钢总公司发起募集设立,1999 年 12 月在深圳证券上市(证券代码:000959)。
板有限公司等钢铁实体单位,具有焦化、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢、热处理等完整的生产工艺流程,产能 2147 万吨。首钢股
镀锡板、管线钢、家电板等优质产品和先期介入等推服务。 首钢股份致力于从产品制造商向综合服务商转变 , 努力
Beijing Shougang Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shougang Co.,Ltd.) is the only domestic listed
company of Shougang Group. Shougang Co.,Ltd. is a joint stock limited company established by means of
raising in October 1999, listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange since December 1999.(stock code 000959)
Shougang Co.,Ltd. owns Shougang Qian'an Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd. , Shougang Zhixin Qian’an
Electromagnetic Materials Co.,Ltd., holding Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd., Beijing
Shougang Cold Rolling Co.,Ltd., and other steel entities. Shougang Co.,Ltd. has the whole production
processes including coking, iron making, steelmaking, rolling and annealing. The annual production capacity
reaches 21.47 million tons. Shougang Co.,Ltd. stays as world-class level in the manufacture equipments
and processes, achieved full coverage of hot-rolled and cold-rolled products, provided EVI services and high
quality products such as electrical steel, automotive steel, tinplate, pipeline steel, appliance sheet. Shougang
Co.,Ltd. is committed to transform from a product manufacturer to a comprehensive service provider, strive to
become an excellent listed company with world competitiveness50SW800同板差铁损值好50SW700首钢硅钢现货首钢硅钢现货50SW700同板差铁损值好50SW800
首钢智新迁安电磁材料有限公司(简称智新公司)是首钢股份公司于 2018 年 3 月 22 日在河北省迁安市设立的全
资子公司,具备年产 150 万吨电工钢的生产能力,累计六年实现单体工厂产量。自主研发掌握了低铁损高纯净
Shougang Zhixin Qian 'an Electromagnetic Material Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Zhixin Company)
is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shougang Corporation established in Qian 'an city, Hebei Province on March
22, 2018. It has an annual production capacity of 1.5 million tons of electrical steel, and has achieved the
world's largest single plant output in six years.Independent research and development he low iron loss
of high purity control technology, high magnetic induction texture system control, strip steel section contour
control sets of process control and low temperature slab reheating technics, electrical steel production
technologies such as electrical steel products are widely used in high-end home appliance, unmanned aerial
vehicles, new energy vehicles, large motor drive motor, efficient distribution transformer and uhv transmission
transformer, etc.The product performance and dimensional accuracy has reached the domestic leading
level, the market share of non-oriented electrical steel in the home appliance industry is the first in the world,
oriented electrical steel ranks the first in the world of transformer materials, and is growing into the "world's
leading electrical steel manufacturer".
第二章 首钢无取向电工钢产品介绍
自从 2010 年 7 月份卷下线以来,经过近几年的产品研发和市场开拓,目前形成了通用产品、产品、去应
Since July 2010 the first non oriented electrical steel was produced, it forms four series products include
general products, high efficient products, stress relief annealing products, new energy vehicles of non oriented
electrical steel product system through the product development and market development in recent years,
and product quality steadily improve. These were widely used in home appliances and motor industry, and get
highly recognized by customers. All grade products of non oriented electrical steel he formed now.
牌号表示方法 --Designation Method
首钢电工钢牌号由 5 部分组成,使用位数为 9 位。对于为个性化需求用户提供的电工钢牌号命名规则另行规定。
Shougang electrical steel brand consists of 5 parts, the maximum number of bits used for the 9. For the
individual needs of users of electrical steel brand naming rules shall be specified separately.
① 100 times of nominal thickness (mm)
② Shougang
③ NGO electrical steel
④ High magnetic induction electrical steel
⑤ 100 times of core loss guaranteed value P1.5/50(W/kg
30SW230 |
35SW230 |
35SW250 |
35SW270 |
35SW300 |
35SW330 |
35SW360 |
35SW400 |
35SW440 |
50SW230 |
50SW250 |
50SW270 |
50SW290 |
50SW310 |
50SW330 |
50SW350 |
50SW400 |
50SW470 |
50SW530 |
50SW600 |
50SW700 |
50SW800 |
50SW1000 |
50SW1300 |
65SW400 |
65SW600 |
65SW700 |
65SW800 |
65SW1000 |
65SW1300 |
35SWH250 |
50SWH470 |
50SWG470 |
50SWH600 |
50SWH800 |
50SWH1300 |
20SW1200 |
20SW1500 |
25SW1250 |
25SW1250H |
25SW1300 |
27SW1400H |
27SW1400 |
27SWH1400 |
27SWG1400 |
30SW1500 |
30SWH1500 |
30SWG1500 |
35SW1700 |
35SWG1700 |
35SW1700H |
35SW1900 |
35SWH1900 |
23RK075 |
23RK080 |
23RK085 |
23QG085 |
23RK090 |
23QG090 |
23QG095 |
23QG100 |
23Q110 |
27RK085 |
27RK090 |
27QG090 |
27RK095 |
27QG095 |
27QG100 |
27Q120 |
30RK100 |
30QG100 |
30QG105 |
30QG120 |
30Q120 |
30Q130 |
35Q155 |
35WW230 |
35WW250 |
35WW270 |
35WW300 |
35WW360 |
35WW400 |
35WW440 |
35WW500 |
35WH210 |
35WH250 |
35WH270 |
35WH300 |
35WH360 |
50WW250 |
50WW270 |
50WW290 |
50WW310 |
50WW350 |
50WW400 |
50WW470 |
50WW600 |
50WW700 |
50WW800 |
50WW1000 |
50WW1300 |
50WH250 |
50WH270 |
50WH290 |
50WH310 |
50WH350 |
50WH470 |
50WH600 |
50WH800 |
50WH1000 |
50WH1300 |
65W350 |
65W470 |
65W530 |
65W600 |
65W800 |
70WK340 |
70WK380 |
80WK420 |
20WTG1500 |
30WGP1600 |
30WGP1700 |
B35A300 |
B151000 |
B201200 |
B201300 |
B251300 |
B271400 |
B301500 |
B351700 |
B351800 |
B351900 |
B352000 |
B352100 |
B20AHV1200 |
B20AHV1300 |
B27AHV1400 |
B30AHV1500 |
B35AHV1700 |
B25AHV1300M |
B27AHV1400M |
B30AHV1500M |
B15APV1000 |
B20APV1200 |
B25APV1300 |
B27APV1400 |
B30APV1500 |
B35APV1700 |
B35AHS500 |
B35AHS550 |
B35AHS600 |
B15AT1000 |
B20AT1200 |
B20AT1500 |
B15AHT1000 |
B20AHT1200 |
B20AHT1500 |
B35A210 |
B35A230 |
B35A250 |
B35A270 |
B35A360 |
B35A440 |
B35A550 |
B35AR300 |
B35AH230 |
B35AH250 |
B35AH300 |
B50A250 |
B50A270 |
B50A290 |
B50A310 |
B50A350 |
B50A400 |
B50A470 |
B50A530 |
B50A540 |
B50A600 |
B50AD-250SW800首钢硅钢现货同板差铁损值好 |
B50A700T |
B50A700 |
B50A800 |
B50A1000 |
B50A1300 |
B50AR300 |
B50AR350 |
B50AR600 |
B50AH300 |
B50AH350 |
B50AH470 |
B50AH600 |
B50AH800 |
B50AH1000 |
B50AH1300 |
B50A1300T |
B50AM470 |
B50AM1300 |
B65A35050SW80050SW700首钢硅钢现货同板差铁损值好 |
B65A400 |
B65A470 |
B65A530 |
B65A600 |
B65A700 |
B65A800 |
B65A1000 |
B65A1300 |
- 电 话:021-56390389
- 营销经理:高宇
- 手 机:13162088866
- 传 真:021-56390388
- 微 信:13162088866